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Elizabeth Dyke's Recipes


Sweet Cure for the Rickets

Elizabeth Dyke

Updated: Nov 25, 2018

Rosemary Flower, one of the floral ingredients in this recipe

An a proved drink for the rickets it hath them that cold not go aloane at: foure years of aige in a short time: with this drinke an oyntment under riten proved CM G.

For the Drink

Take a handful of plantan a hanfull of yarow and a handfull of liver worth and a handful of harts tungs and a handfull of scabious a litel egremony a handful of shepards purse and a handfull of knott grass halfe a handful of clary half a handfull of bone worth and a handfull of bugles a handfull of rosmary flowers a litell nipe a handfull of scourvy grass a handfull of lunge worth a handfull of maiden haire or more.

A quarter of an ounce of large mace 2 ounces of suger candey and a quarter of pound of raisons of the sunne stone one ounce of licrish one ounce of any seeds then take a gallon of spring water and boule all the hearbs in it.

Being all cleane washed and the licrish cleane scraped and thinn sliced and the anyseeds brused a litell then let it boyle till it coms to a potell and then strain it out in sume earthen pot or botells and put in the suger candy after it is trained out.

And then let the child drink a good drath in the morning fasting and again at 4 a clock in the afternoone and a gain at night going to bed the lasting it takes if it like it let it drinke of it fill it b[note: edge damage] dune: put a handfull of ribworth in to the diet drink amongst the rest of the hearbs

From left to right: Yarrow flowers, dried raisins, and shepherd's purse plant.

For the Oyntment

Take a handfull of fether few and a handfull of plantan a handfull of yarow and a handfull of liverworth and put in a blade or too of mace shread the hearbs all small and put them in to a pound of fresh may butar and let it boyle till you think the strength be all out and then straien it out and put it in a pot and stope it close .

And when you use any of it worme it and anoynte the child downe the back bone to the sheting of the hips and stroke it still downwards and bath it well in a gainst the fire and anoynt the ribs and the stomack and the hames and knees and ancles and the ristes and bath it very well in in every place and take care they take not could in the doing of it doe it a nights .

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