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Elizabeth Dyke's Recipes


Good for a consumcion to restore the lungs

Elizabeth Dyke

Updated: Dec 5, 2018

Take thirty or forty orenges and take all the j??e side and juce but noe whit at all and put it into a pipkin and put to it as much dubell refined suger as you think will make it a good surope and so put it together in the pipkin and cover it with a pastat the tope and set it in with the browne bread and let it stand in the oven a good while and then put the clere out and put it in to glas botells and so you may keepe it all the yeare you may take it at any time when you pleas :::

Take thirty or forty oranges and take all the zest and juice but no white at all. Put it into a pan and add enough double refined sugar to make a syrup. Cover it with a lid and set it in with the brown bread. Let it stand in the oven a good while and then take the uncloudy part out and put into glass bottles. It will keep all year.

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