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Elizabeth Dyke's Recipes


To stew a dish of could Rost befe

Take sume thinne slices of could Rost befe and salt and leane and put it in a dish and and put it a littel faire water and a good deale...

And Other for the Headache

Take flowers of sticadase and lavender of each a like much 4 drams of margrome rosmary and bitany of each a handfull red roses halfe a...

To Still Docter Stephens Water

Take a gallon of gusken wine put to it of saige rosmary runing time lavender a very litell hand full cubibs cardinume french gallingall...

Muscouy's Hydromell

To make a fine drink called hydromell which the Muscouys make with straberys, cherys, mullberys or raspberys which is and exellent drink...

Sweet Cure for the Rickets

An a proved drink for the rickets it hath them that cold not go aloane at: foure years of aige in a short time: with this drinke an...

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