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Elizabeth Dyke's Recipes


Muscouy's Hydromell

Elizabeth Dyke

Updated: Nov 25, 2018

To make a fine drink called hydromell which the Muscouys make with straberys, cherys, mullberys or raspberys which is and exellent drink and very good.

The hydromill that is made with rasberys is the best of all and most pleasant. To make it well, they put the raspberys a soking in faire water for two or three nights till the water has got their taste and culer. In to this water they put sum of the purest honey a lowing for every pound of honey three or foure of water.


Keeping and Storage

As they would have the hydremill strong or small they put in to a tost diped in the dregs of beare which is taken out sone as the hydremill begins to work least continued longer it shold give it and ill tast.

If they desire it shold be long a working they put it into sume worme polace. If it be for present drinking they put it in a cole polace whear it sone gives working and then is taken ofe the lees to be spent.

To betar the tast of it they put in a litell bage of sinamon and grains of paradise with sume few cloves sume in sted of faire water steepe the raspberys 24 houre in comone which gives the hydremill and exelent tast.

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